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15301 Spectrum Dr., Suite 175

Addison, TX 75001


(972) 980-9660


(972) 980-9313



M-F: 8AM-12PM, 1PM-5PM

About Us

The Addison clinic is one of our locations with a specialty in cranial remolding helmet treatment. This clinic is home to Libbi Adkison, our Cranial Program Manager and cranial specialists have been at Addison since 2009. They serve patients from all over Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. The clinicians at Addison are well versed on craniosynostosis postoperative cranial treatment and work with surgeons designing customized care for those patients. Outside of cranial, Addison clinicians have over a decade of experience and are available for other orthotic and prosthetic needs.

Clinical Team

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Libbi Adkison, CO/LO

Cranial Program Manager

Texas Clinic - Addison

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