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Upper Limb Prostheses

Designing the appropriate prosthesis for the individual patient is a collaborative effort between the patient, prosthetist, physician, and often physical therapist. 

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Shoulder (Shoulder Disarticulation) (Forequarter)

Prosthetic solutions for patients with amputation through or above the shoulder joint. Continuing advances in technology provide these patients with a highly functional prosthesis.

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Above the Elbow (Transhumeral) (Elbow Disarticulation)

Individualized care for patients with amputation through the elbow joint or bone of the upper arm. Bionic offers everything from passive, cosmetic options to computerized, integrated systems.


Below the Elbow (Transradial)

Prosthetic solutions for patients with amputation through the long bones of the forearm. Numerous componentry options can restore patients' fine motor skills.

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Hand & Partial Hand (Wrist Disarticulation) (Partial Hand)

Solutions for patients with amputation through the wrist or hand. Bionic offers lightweight, highly cosmetic devices which can restore the patient’s wrist and hand function as closely as possible to their ability prior to amputation.


Silicone Restoration 

Silicone restoration replicates the patient’s intact limb in fine detail such as wrinkles, hair, freckles, skin tone and shape. 

Call today to schedule your free consultation! 

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