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1673 Westbrook Plaza Dr., Ste. 230

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


(336) 765-2425


(336) 765-8370



M-F: 8AM-12PM, 1PM-5PM

About Us

Our clinic in Winston-Salem is dedicated to helping the less fortunate in their community. This includes several years of clinicians visiting schools in Forsyth County and Reidsville, working alongside physical and occupational therapists to provide custom DME for less fortunate students. They also occasionally donate to Wake Forest Baptist Hospital's PT/OT department for families who cannot afford orthotics. They also specialize in cranial remolding treatment and pediatric care.

Clinical Team

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Brian Little, CPO

Certified Prosthetist & Orthotist

North Carolina Clinic- Winston-Salem

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Douglas LeClair, CO

Certified Orthotist

North Carolina Clinic - Winston-Salem

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Michael McDonald, CO

Clinic Manager - Certified Orthotist

North Carolina Clinic - Winston Salem

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